Happy Friday Warriors!
First of all, the Membership Committee would like to welcome our 2 newest Warriors, David Sloan and Michele McWilliams! Welcome to the Best Darn Krewe in Pensacola!
In preparation for the Bead Ordering Party on Sunday, August 6th (4:30 to 6:30 pm at DeLuna Lanes on 9 Mile Road), the 2018 Merchandise order form is attached.
This form has been created in Microsoft Excel and has formulas built in to help you tally your order. As you enter a quantity for the items you wish to purchase, not only is the Item Total Calculated, but so is the "Total Owed" field. We thought this would be a helpful tool to aid you in your ordering adventure. It will tally all merchandise with the exception of any additional T-shirts ordered... Each Krewe Member receives one T-shirt in their "Goodie Bag". If additional T-shirts are desired, then please add that cost to the Amount Owed total.
We ask that each of the new member Sponsors take some time with their newbies to walk them through this process. Let them know the joy of bead and pin trading at the Mardi Gras parades so they can stock up appropriately.
Each member must submit an order form, as we need to know what t-shirt size to order for each of you. Your family can pay as one on Sunday, either with Cash, Check, or Credit Card, but we do require a separate form for each member.
If you cannot attend the Bead Ordering party on Sunday, you can email your completed form to KOWMembership@kreweofwarriors.com. We need all forms no later than Monday, August 7th as we have to submit our total bead and pin order to our suppliers by Thursday, August 10th.
50% of your purchase cost is due at the time that you place your order. On Sunday, you can pay in person. If you're not able to attend, please mail your check to Kelley Harris, 5321 Potosi Way, Pensacola, FL 32504. Final and complete payment for merchandise orders is required by 31 October 2017.
Enjoy the Order Form and we look forward to seeing all of you Sunday afternoon. We will have printed copies of this form for those of you that do not have access to a printer.
Jessie Drossos (Membership Chair)
Kelley Harris (Membership Co-Chair)